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  • Argentine expert praises China's space program

    2011-04-15 11:28

    China's space program has made a giant leap forward with successful manned flights and a space walk, President of the Argentine Association for Space Technology (AATE) Pablo De Leon said Thursday.

  • New app calculates calories through photos of food

    2011-04-14 15:27

    Worried about how many calories you are going to consume in that slice of pizza, chocolate cake or bag of fries? A new iPhone application may help.

  • Young parents may let healthy lifestyle slip

    2011-04-14 11:08

    For harried young parents, this will come as no surprise -- a study has found that having small children can make it tougher to keep up healthy diet and exercise habits.

  • Showcasing the world's largest dinosaurs

    2011-04-14 10:56

    The exhibition, which explores the largest colossal animals to ever live on the earth comes, is showcased at the American Museum of Natural History in New York on April 13, 2011, and will be publicly displayed from April 16, 2011 to January 2, 2012.

  • Russia's space chief promises new spaceship

    2011-04-14 09:33

    Russia will test a next-generation spacecraft, build a new cosmodrome and even consider a manned mission to Mars after 2035, the nation's space chief said Wednesday.

  • US unveil world's first human brain map

    2011-04-13 15:01

    US scientists on Tuesday unveiled the world's first computerized human brain map, an online public resource developed to accelerate understanding of how the human brain works and in hopes to tackle neurological diseases like Alzeimer's and Parkinson's.

  • No space shuttle for Chicago's Adler Planetarium

    2011-04-13 14:18

    Chicago's Adler Planetarium, the oldest in the United States, celebrate on Tuesday two important milestones in space exploration, but the mood was tempered after it failed to get one of the four shuttle orbiters set for retirement at the end of this year.

  • Astronomers claim to find oldest galaxy yet

    2011-04-13 14:15

    An international team of astronomers announced they've discovered the oldest galaxy that formed 13.55 billion years ago, giving scientists a glimpse of the Dark Age of the Universe.

  • Soviet space capsule sells for $2.9m

    2011-04-13 14:13

    A Soviet space capsule that orbited the Earth 50 years ago sold for about $2.9 million at Sotheby's in New York on Tuesday.

  • Russia marks 50 years since Gagarin orbit

    2011-04-12 22:29

    From patriotic songs blaring on the metro to parties on the International Space Station, Russia proudly celebrated on Tuesday 50 years since rocketing Yuri Gagarin into the first human orbit.

  • Older brains less nimble at multi-tasking

    2011-04-12 11:09

    The elderly have a harder time multi-tasking than young adults because they are far less nimble at switching neurological connections in their brains between activities, according to research released on Monday.

  • No new case of superbug NDM-1 found in China

    2011-04-11 15:36

    Since October 2010, China has found no new cases of NDM-1, a kind of multi-drug resistant super bacteria, said an official with China's Ministry of Health on Monday.

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