Pilates can aid some with Parkinson's

2006-11-27 10:16:17

Movements in Pilates exercises are controlled — sometimes moving the body only inches - but those small motions are making a big difference to some people with Parkinson's disease.

Researchers seek routes to happier life

2006-11-27 09:12:01

As a motivational speaker and executive coach, Caroline Adams Miller knows a few things about using mental exercises to achieve goals. But last year, one exercise she was asked to try took her by surprise.

Folic acid can cut heart attack risk

2006-11-24 17:20:18

Can taking folic acid supplements reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke? British researchers believe it can.

Diet and nutrition helpful for depression

2006-11-24 15:01:12

Diet and nutrition may play a key role in helping people fight depression, Australian researchers report.

Unsafe abortions kill 68,000 women a year

2006-11-24 13:53:18

Unsafe abortions in the developing world reportedly kill 68,000 women a year and lead to the hospitalization of at least five million others for infection and other complications.

Baby with heart outside body has surgery

2006-11-23 09:45:11

Using a piece of Gore-Tex fabric to make their repairs, doctors performed corrective surgery on a baby born with his heart outside his chest, and said Wednesday that the youngster should be able to lead a close-to-normal life.

How we taste affects health - doctor

2006-11-21 13:39:32

Woe to those who have a cold on Thursday. If you can't smell the roasting turkey, it just won't taste as good. And if you think the brussels sprouts are bitter, well, blame how many taste buds you were born with, not the chef.

'Stiff upper lip' stops ambulances calling

2006-11-21 09:13:17

The British "stiff upper lip" may explain why 40 per cent of people would not call an ambulance immediately if they thought they had suffered a heart attack.

Hamburgers to die for at US restaurant

2006-11-20 08:48:53

A restaurant in the southwestern US state of Arizona that proudly admits to trying to finish off its customers has introduced a new item on its menu -- the "quadruple bypass burger."

Religious observance keeps elder healthy

2006-11-16 15:37:06

A new study adds to mounting evidence that older people who regularly attend religious services are healthier than those who don't.

Heart valves grown from womb fluid cells

2006-11-16 07:32:00

Scientists for the first time have grown human heart valves using stem cells from the fluid that cushions babies in the womb - offering a revolutionary approach that may be used to repair defective hearts in the future.

Antibodies destroy HIV-infected cells

2006-11-14 11:23:16

Antibodies that are active against HIV proteins may provide a successful strategy against infection, investigators in Germany and the United States report in the medical journal PLoS Medicine.