Heavier weight tied to poorer mental function
2006-10-10 10:14:12
Overweight middle-aged adults tend to score more poorly on tests of memory, attention and learning ability than their thinner peers do, researchers reported Monday.
For success, let kids play at will
2006-10-10 07:19:10
Here's some soothing medicine for parents and overscheduled kids: What children really need for healthy development is more good, old-fashioned playtime.
Mental health treatment by video growing
2006-10-09 16:42:02
Psychiatrists, often in need and hard to find in rural areas, are increasingly turning to video to treat their far-flung patients, illustrating one of the latest growth areas of telemedicine.
Doctors urge more playtime for children
2006-10-09 16:42:02
Here's some soothing medicine for stressed-out parents and overscheduled kids: The American Academy of Pediatrics says what children really need for healthy development is more good, old-fashioned playtime.
India: Dengue outbreak serious as toll rises
2006-10-08 16:53:41
India's health secretary described a continuing outbreak of dengue fever as serious as the death toll rose and thousands of people reported ill at overwhelmed hospitals.
Men have body image worries too
2006-10-07 15:59:00
"Body image is not just a concern for women," says researcher Deborah Schooler, who's looked into the adverse effects such media images can have on male.
Fruits and vegetables lower gallstone risk
2006-10-07 09:20:55
Women who regularly eat fruits and vegetables may have lower odds of developing painful gallstones, the results of a large study suggest.
Study supports that pets cut allergy risk
2006-10-07 09:20:55
Some people prone to allergies keep their homes pet-free, a study shows -- but such "avoidance" of furry companions only partly explains the lower allergy risk found among pet owners.
Japanese researchers find appetite-suppressing protein
2006-10-03 13:53:30
A protein that can suppress appetite, help treat obesity and metabolic syndrome has been identified by a group of Japanese researchers, the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper said Tuesday.
Experts test drugs to fight neuroAIDS
2006-10-03 08:36:59
It's an Achilles' heel of HIV therapy: The AIDS virus can sneak into the brain to cause dementia, despite today's best medicines.
Keep your dogs from sugar items
2006-09-30 14:53:18
Keep those sugarless treats out of Fido's reach. Veterinarians warned on Friday that a commonly used sweetener might cause liver failure in dogs, and perhaps even kill them.
Touch a light switch, catch a cold - study
2006-09-30 14:27:27
Someone with a cold may just have left a little drop of virus on the light switch for you to pick up and infect yourself with, researchers found in a real-life look at how colds get passed around.