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China Daily Website

  • Bin Laden's journey to fanaticism, terror

    2011-05-03 10:29

    Osama bin Laden was born into one of Saudi Arabia's most prosperous families, but he left home in search of revolution, found a path of fanaticism, inspired a murderous organization that terrorized the West, and ultimately became the most wanted man in the world.

  • Factbox: 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden

    2011-05-02 16:32

    Challenging the might of the "infidel" United States, Osama bin Laden masterminded the deadliest militant attacks in history and then built a global network of allies to wage a "holy war" intended to outlive him.

  • Al Qaida leaders killed or captured in Pakistan

    2011-05-02 20:21

    Here are some of the other top militants hunted down in Pakistan, a country at the centre of the fight against Islamist militants.

  • Three US presidents hunted bin Laden

    2011-05-02 20:20

    Here are some quotes from the last three US presidents on their efforts to "get" the al Qaida leader.

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