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Thousands protest austerity 2013 budget in Madrid

Updated: 2012-10-28 11:19
( Xinhua)

MADRID - Thousands of Spaniards again took to the streets in Madrid on Saturday in protest of a strict austerity budget for 2013 passed by the Spanish parliament on Wednesday.

Angry protesters chanted slogans in disapproval of the government's spending cuts and tax hikes, and called on the conservative government led by Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy to step down.

Thousands protest austerity 2013 budget in Madrid

A protestor holds a placard as he shouts slogans during a demonstration against government's budget 2013 and austerity measures in Madrid, Oct 27, 2012. The placard reads: "Unemployment 25%. Resign". [Photo/Agencies]

They also held a minute's silence with their backs turned on the parliament building.

The Madrid Regional Authority said about 3,000 people took part in the protest.

Earlier on Saturday, hundreds of off-duty police officers too demonstrated in Madrid against the cuts of pay and benefits, including the cancellation of their Christmas bonuses.

Elsewhere in Spain, thousands people also demonstrated in Barcelona. Organizers put the number of people participating the protest at 50,000, but local authorities said the number was closer to just 5,000.

Spain will brace for its second general strike in less than one year on Nov 14.

