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Annan's visit to Moscow confirmed

Updated: 2012-07-16 06:28
( Xinhua)

GENEVA - Kofi Annan's spokesperson Ahmad Fawzi on Sunday confirmed that the UN-Arab League joint special envoy for Syria is to visit Moscow on Monday.

Annan is expected to pay a two-day visit to Moscow when he is expected to hold talks with the Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on the crisis in Syria.

Moscow had announced Annan's visit earlier in the day. The Kremlin press service said Russia intended to reiterate its support for Annan's six-point plan which calls for political and diplomatic approaches toward ending the crisis.

Annan's plan is regarded by Moscow as "the only viable solution platform for settlement of Syria's internal problems."

Meanwhile, European members of the UN Security Council, along with the United States, circulated a new draft resolution on Wednesday threatening sanctions against Syria, accusing Damascus of using heavy weapons in populated areas.

Russia opposed the initiative. Russia Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said such resolutions would be "unbalanced", as they only require the Syrian government to fulfill its obligations. Gatilov said Russia would not allow the Security Council to impose sanctions against Syria.

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