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E3+3, Iran to meet in Istanbul Tuesday

Updated: 2012-07-03 06:53
( Xinhua)

BRUSSELS - A technical-level meeting will take place between the E3+3 countries (the United States, Britain, China, France, Russia and Germany) and Iran in Istanbul on Tuesday, said a European Union (EU) statement on Monday.

According to the statement, the meeting followed an agreement  between EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton and Iran's chief  nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili in Moscow.

The meeting will take place between technical experts from the two sides, with the aim to provide further clarification of the  E3+3 proposal; increase the E3+3 understanding of the Iranian response given in Moscow; and study the issues raised by Iran  during the sessions.

"We hope Iran will seize the opportunity of this meeting to show a willingness to take concrete steps to urgently meet the concerns of the international community, to build confidence in the peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear program and to meet its international obligations," said Ashton.

The EU is sticking to its dual-track approach, which combines sanctions with political negotiations, towards the resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue.  

The 27-member bloc's embargo on Iranian oil was enforced on Sunday, but Iranian lawmakers and senior officials dismissed its  potential impact on the country.
