Cameron, in Tripoli, says UK will help hunt Gadhafi

Updated: 2011-09-15 21:49


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TRIPOLI - Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron on Thursday pledged that Britain would help to hunt down fugitive former Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi.

Cameron, in Tripoli, says UK will help hunt Gadhafi

Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron speaks during a news conference in Tripoli September 15, 2011. France's President Nicolas Sarkozy and Cameron flew in to Tripoli under heavy guard on Thursday, to be welcomed by the new leaders the French and British air forces helped install in Libya, three weeks after rebel forces overthrew Muammar Gadhafi. [Photo/Agencies]

"This is not over," Cameron told a news conference in Libyan capital Tripoli. "We will help you to find Gadhafi and bring him to justice."  

Cameron was on a joint visit to Tripoli with French President Nicolas Sarkozy. Both leaders will visit Benghazi, the cradle of the revolution that overthrew Gadhafi, later on Thursday.

"We stand ready to help but we want to know what it is you most want us to do," Cameron said. "This is the moment when the Arab spring could be become the Arab summer and we see democracy advance in other countries, too."  

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