Best bets

( China Daily ) Updated: 2017-03-11 10:49:16

Best bets

Chen Xinyi's Historical Drama Shang Yang

Date: March 15-18-7:30 pm

Venue: National Center for the Performing Arts

Price: 100-500 yuan

Large-scale historical drama Shang Yang is authored by the national-class level-A playwright Yao Yuan and directed by the stage director Chen Xinyi. This drama is adapted on the basis of historical figure Shang Yang. It not only tells the story of an ancient struggle for reform, but also conveys the masculine courage and uprightness at the cost of life in the pursuit of grand ideal and indomitable fighting spirit of breaking through the encirclement of obsolete culture.

Best bets

Drama Leave Before Getting Old Directed by Shao Zehui

Date: March 11-7:30 pm

Venue: National Center for the Performing Arts

Price: 120-240 yuan

Leave Before Getting Old is a 'monodrama' performed by two actors. The show is adapted from the true story of a young poet named Ma Hua who left his city to go to Yunnan and became a rural teacher at the foot of Meili Snow Mountain. Unfortunately, he was involved in an accident and his jeep rolled into Lancang River. Ma Hua never came back. Ma Hua has lied to all his friends. He says, "I'm going to travel around the world. " But the truth is he goes to the foot of Meili Snow Mountain in Yunnan and becomes a rural teacher in a primary school. The new environment and new life bring some fresh experiences, inspiration and new meaning to life.

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