Former prime minister of Canada Jean Chretien rides a Phoenix bicycle along a busy street in Shanghai. [Photo by Xu Genshun/Provided to China Daily]
He later studied journalism in Jiangxi University before becoming a professor at the Shanghai University of Engineering Science. His accidental foray into political photography only began when he started work at Jin Jiang Tower, the first five-star hotel in China run by Chinese. Jin Jiang Tower was at that time the hotel of choice of many world leaders during their visits to Shanghai.
"The monthly salary of a professor was only 156 yuan ($23), which was not enough for me to support my family. I was introduced to Jin Jiang Tower by chance and took up the role of an administration executive officer who was in charge of reception services for foreign leaders," said Xu of his decision to switch jobs.
Xu soon found himself attending a host of foreign affairs events and having to take photos of dignitaries to commemorate the occasion. Because of his role in the hotel, Xu said that he managed to capture images that were different from what was normally seen in the media.
"Being given such opportunities allowed me to record candid moments of many presidents and premiers. The images I managed to capture were quite different from the stereotypical serious and set-up shots printed in newspapers or seen on television," said Xu.
Excited by the fact that he had access to high profile individuals who could influence China's development and matters of the world, Xu was determined to take things a step further - get even closer to his subjects in order to capture the more intimate moments. He also wanted their autographs.
"I made it a point to appear in front of the leaders' bodyguards at every chance because I wanted them to be familiar with my face. I also made sure that I spoke with key Chinese leaders when these foreign bodyguards were watching so that they would know I was not a threat," said Xu.