Amid towering trees, fledgling artists blossom

By Zhang Kun ( China Daily ) Updated: 2016-04-09 14:21:25

The exhibition is aimed at reflecting this diversity through the works of the 16 artists, while focusing on China's past, present and future relationships with the world, as well as providing an insight into Chinese culture, politics and society as it exists today.

Artists visited the exhibition site before finalizing their projects, so that they could understand the venue better, and conceive pieces specifically for it.

Expressing confidence in the project, Liao says: "I believe these artists will be able to present different aspects of contemporary Chinese art."

All the sculptures the foundation commissioned will be for sale, with the proceeds split equally between the artists and the foundation, in order to facilitate the commissioning of new works.

In the past 23 years, the foundation has raised and invested more than 10 million pounds ($14 million) in more than 250 artists.

The Cass couple are avid collectors of sculptures and have befriended many artists, including Henry Moore, over the years.

So setting up a foundation to support emerging artists seemed like a natural thing to do for the retired couple, who made their money in the pigment business.

They then found the piece of land at Goodwood, home to a wealthy countryside community where horse races and vintage car shows also take place.

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