
( China Daily ) Updated: 2016-04-09 07:28:03

April Monday Movie: Lawrence of Arabia

Date: April 11 - 9 pm

Venue: Caravan in Beijing

Price: Fee

An inordinately complex man who has been labeled everything from hero, to charlatan, to sadist, Thomas Edward Lawrence blazed his way to glory in the Arabian desert, then sought anonymity as a common soldier under an assumed name. The story opens with the death of Lawrence in a motorcycle accident in Dorset at the age of 46, then flashbacks to recount his adventures: as a young intelligence officer in Cairo in 1916, he is given leave to investigate the progress of the Arab revolt against the Turks in World War I. In the desert, he organizes a guerrilla army and - for two years - leads the Arabs in harassing the Turks with desert raids, train-wrecking and camel attacks.

Contact: 010-8563-0801

Beijing Broads: All Female Sketch Comedy and Improv Show

Date: April 12 - 8 pm

Venue: Palms LA Kitchen and Bar

Price: Free

If you like comedy and you like women, there's really no reason not to go to this free improv event at Palms LA Liangmaqiao location.

Contact: 010-6405-4352

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