The aspirations and dreams of those in between

By Xu Lin ( China Daily ) Updated: 2016-03-12 09:13:01

The private company employee

Ru Yi, 32, has a job that many people would probably envy: She travels all over the place looking for beautiful destination that others can enjoy. But her job is far from idyllic.

Ru is deputy manager of Woniu (Beijing) Tourist Attraction Management, a company that offers consulting to tourist locations and potential tourist locations in China, advising on how they can make the most of their assets.

She and her colleagues visit these locations, do research there and then formulate a proposal on how it can be improved.

"My nerves are constantly on edge because I have to be able to foresee the unforeseen," Ru says. "You really can't enjoy beautiful scenery when you are under that kind of pressure."

Still, her work gives her the chance of adventure and meeting many people, she says, and if she wants a break she can combine a couple of days leave with a weekend to fly off to a nearby destination such as Japan or Thailand.

"Being on a personal trip is like switching from being a tour guide to being a tourist. I can plan my itinerary as I wish and relax.

"You really need to be grateful and to be positive about life. That kind of outlook brings you everything-good life, love and wealth. Even with setbacks you can bounce back."

She likes the hustle and bustle of Beijing, she says, and enjoys the convenience of living in downtown.

"I don't want to waste time on the daily commute. Also, as house prices soar, my husband and I don't want to spend all our savings on a dream home."

So they rent an apartment and have bought a much less expensive house in their hometown instead. That means they have extra money to enjoy life.

They often go to the cinema and buy blue-ray disks, she says. Since they turned 30 they have spent more on healthcare, and buy nutritional supplements, have massages and visit the gym.

Ru says it is important for her and her husband to get on well with their parents and to allow everybody to have their own space. They do not live together, she says, because she thinks parents should be able to enjoy their own lives.

For now, her biggest wish is to be pregnant before this June, and have a second child within several years.

"In my generation, parents were very strict with their children, but I won't put restrictions on my children. I want them to have childhood free of care."

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