Riot in Urumqi
Victim's relative: Shaoguan, Urumqi violence have no link [2009-07-11 15:18]

"The murders must be punished!"

Business recovers in Urumqi [2009-07-11 14:35]
About 80 percent of markets and shops in the city have reopened by friday.

Government: evidence shows Rebiya Kadeer masterminds violence

[2009-07-10 14:17]

Kadeer, a former businesswoman in China.

Radio hotlines help victims [2009-07-11 11:32]

This is becoming a platform for people to comfort each other and maintain the social stability.

热比娅影像资料曝光 曾发誓维护国家统一 [2009-07-10 12:04]
Students' safety comes first [2009-07-10 17:52]
China Daily reporter visited Xinjiang Medical University days after the riot.
学生安全重于一切,民族团结我们是一家 [2009-07-10 17:45]
在暴力事件中, 维汉学生团结一致,保护校园与学生安全。暑假来临,新疆医科大学安排专车护送学生回家。
7·5事件中无辜死亡群众将获特殊抚恤金20万元 [2009-07-10 17:03]


People of different ethnic groups are one family [2009-07-09 16:20]
Many residents and religious figures in Xinjiang are expressing their wishes for unity of various ethnic groups.
Urumqi people resume daily life [2009-07-09 16:20]
Efforts are being made to ensure fresh food supplies and stable prices in Urumqi, and restore international trade in the city.