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THE WEEK June 1: Graduation Grumble

Updated: 2012-06-01 16:13
By THE WEEK (chinadaily.com.cn)

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Horrific "zombie" attack

Witnesses called Miami police after seeing two naked men fighting on the side of the road. When officers arrived on the scene they saw what some people are calling a real-life zombie attack. It was a truly horrific scene. This was not, in fact, a zombie attack; police said the "zombie" was actually a man likely overdosing on drugs. But if there were a zombie attack, will you be ready?

Will Smith's backhand

The star of the new Men in Black 3 movie proved that his on-screen fighting skills are not only reserved for the screen. When confronted by a reporter on the set of a premier in Moscow, Will Smith had to get physical.

Graduation Grumble: Awkward photos

College graduation is just a month away, and we know that you fourth-year students are getting ready to celebrate. But take it from us: Graduating from college is not that great. You become an adult - bills and office work and getting old. So in each of the next four weeks we will be bringing you a graduation-related story to help you say goodbye to the best four years of your life - with our new segment, Graduation Grumble. This week we're talking about awkward graduation photos.

This wacky world!

United States First Lady Michelle Obama has come out about her child-like fantasies. Apparently she dreams about becoming Beyonce Knowles. (For me, it's Wayne Gretzky.) I wonder if Michelle sings in the shower.

A town in China may be home to the world's smallest population. Or should I say shortest? Each resident is less than 1.3 meters tall. It's totally legitimate - with guards, a ministry of health and a king. The town also doubles as an amusement park.

A 69-year-old set of twins from the Netherlands is making news this week. Apparently the ladies are prostitutes in Amsterdam and the subjects of a new documentary film. We'll be sure to let you know when that comes out.

and...Happy Children's Day!!!

THE WEEK June 1: Graduation Grumble

THE WEEK June 1: Graduation Grumble
Director: Lin Hanqing Graphic Design: Zhang Xiao
Videographer: Cong Ruiting Producer: Chris Clark
Managing Producer: Christie Lee Executive Producer: Flora Yue
THE WEEK June 1: Graduation Grumble
If we used your photo on the show, let us know. Contact: liqiao@chinadaily.com.cn
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