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THE WEEK Nov 25: Great Wall of Tires

Updated: 2011-11-25 17:50
By THE WEEK (chinadaily.com.cn)

THE WEEK Nov 25: Great Wall of Tires

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Great Wall of Tires

The Great Wall of China is said to be one of the only man-made structures visible from outer space. But now, one unlikely structure in the United States has joined the list – the "Great Wall of Tires". We know the US is jealous of China's booming economy and functioning professional basketball league, but this wall is just a weak attempt at imitation.

Dedicated Dog

It's been more than week since Lao Pan, a man from the Chinese city of Qingdao, passed away. Since that day, Pan's dog has not left his owner's grave site. Villagers say the dog's loyalty explains why it's standing by its owner. It could be loyalty, but have we ruled out all of the other possibilities?

Don't waste water!

A rare peak into people's personal habits in the shower yielded new and slightly disturbing results. In the past, experts believed the average shower lasts four minutes. But new findings suggest eight minutes is the duration of a typical shower. This has conservation experts in a frenzy, saying the long showers are a waste of water and energy. They suggest ways of ensuring you reduce your usage, so we take a look at how those ideas work.

Let's consult Clark…

Thursday marked the celebration of Thanksgiving Day in the United States. Americans celebrate the holiday by wearing pajamas all day, eating way too much food and falling asleep on the couch for hours. The Week's Clark Cahill is in t he studio to show us how a few people celebrated this lazy holiday.

This wacky world!

A new poll found that people who watch Fox News are less informed than people who don't follow news at all. It's no secret that Fox News is horrible, but finally there is some real evidence.

A woman in the US visited a plastic surgeon to have her backside reshaped, but instead she was injected with a mix which included cement. Why is she mad? Doesn't everyone want a rock solid booty?

A mayor in Peru blamed high levels of minerals in the area's drinking water for the growing number of gay men in the community. He should focus on the real problems unhealthy water can cause.

Teen pop sensation Justin Bieber took a paternity test to prove he didn't impregnate a fan backstage after a concert. He didn't make a "Baby, baby, baby. Ohhh!"

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THE WEEK Nov 25: Great Wall of Tires

THE WEEK Nov 25: Great Wall of Tires
Director: Lin Hanqing Graphic Design: Zhang Xiao
Videographer: Cong Ruiting Producer: Chris Clark & Clark Cahill
Managing Producer: Christie Lee Executive Producer: Flora Yue
THE WEEK Nov 25: Great Wall of Tires
If we used your photo on the show, let us know. Contact: liqiao@chinadaily.com.cn
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