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China Daily Website


NBA brings happiness to disabled children in China

Updated: 2009-12-08 20:33

A girl in special education school gets emotional at a special celebration of her birthday with three stars of Harlem Globetrotters. She was under the Care for Children project, which Jason Tam says aims at moving disadvantaged children out of institutions and into long-team family care.

The most fantastic moment was when Harlem members showed their skills, and gave a brief lesson to kids and media, and let everybody participate in the fun of basketball.

Harlem Globetrotters are now partnering the NBA to bring basketball and entertainment to more places around the globe. They’re here for a tour in China which will see them perform their family-friendly brand of basketball shows. They’ll be in Shanghai Yuanshen Sports Center on Saturday, and Sunday in Beijing Wukesong Arena.

Together with Harlem Globetrotters, the global Centre is calling for society to pay attention to disadvantaged children. And that’s what Care for Children aims to do more of in the future.

Video: Xu Yang & Jin Zhu
