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China Daily Website


Boxing girls

Updated: 2009-09-16 10:06

Boxing is considered brutal by a lot of people and even more so for girls. Many believe the sport solely belongs to men; just as rhythmic gymnastics is seen as a women-only sport.

In Hebei province, not far from Beijing, there is a women's boxing team. Very few parents want their daughters to be women boxers, but these girls insist they love the sport and nothing can stop them. Every morning they have a four-hour training session and two more hours later in the day.

These girls had been living in near obscurity for many years until the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced in Aug that women's boxing would be a part of the 2012 London Games, a decision that suddenly brought them new hope.

Interview: Yin Junhua (19 years old)

Women's boxing has finally entered the Olympic Games on August 13. We have been waiting for the news for a long time. We are very excited to hear this news and hope we will stand on the Olympic podium.

Wish them good luck.
