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China Daily Website


Out-patient volume increases in Urumqi

Updated: 2009-07-19 13:52

The volume of out-patients seen in Renmin hospital of Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, has gradually increased this week. It has returned to normal, after a sharp drop due to the riot earlier this month.

The Renmin hospital is located in one of the several places where the riots occurred. While traffic restrictions were in place, the volume of out-patients seen at the hospital declined dramatically.

One day, the volume dipped as low as 700 patients. But now, out-patient has returned to its previous volume.

Director, Out-Patient Section, Renmin Hospital, Urumqi, said, "The out-patient volume has seen an increasing momentum this week. The daily volume has returned to about 3,000 people starting on Monday. This figure indicates the lives of civilians in Urumqi have returned to normal."

In the pregnancy testing room, a local resident who has been pregnant for 7 months says the doctors and nurses worked as usual, and the whole procedure took her just one hour.

Besides Renmin hospital, other hospitals in Urumqi have also seen a gradual increase in the number of out-patients.
