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China Daily Website

  • New mining projects will see economy soar

    2010-09-13 09:35

    Dependent on mining for a third of its GDP, the Mongolian economy is set to expand even more, thanks to new mines that are coming on-stream.

  • Railway plan will transport Mongolia into a 21st C economy

    2010-09-13 09:39

    With its proximity to China and a flood of foreign liquidity waiting to pour in, the Mongolian government is ready with new investor-friendly laws and policies in place for the country to become a 21st century nation.

  • Infrastructure holds the key to development

    2010-09-13 09:36

    Energy, infrastructure and tourism are full of potential in Mongolia, a country that wishes to take advantage of its strategic location between China and Russia.

  • Oyu Tolgoi: A catalyst for change

    2010-09-13 09:37

    The Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold project, Mongolia's largest ever mining development, marks "one step forward for the economy", according to the President of Mongolia, Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj.

  • Safeguarding the economy

    2010-09-13 09:28

    Bank of Mongolia functions independently of government to ensure price stability and a robust financial sector.

  • Mining giant displays competitive advantage

    2010-09-13 09:16

    Erdenet Mining Corporation has delivered a strategic plan to allow it to keep expanding through the next decade, and beyond.

  • The Asian Wolf bites the hand of opportunity

    2010-09-13 09:06

    Nestled between China and Russia, Mongolia,a resource-rich country on the brink of an economic transformation, is getting ready to pounce, with real GDP growth prospects expected to hit 20.8 percent within three years.

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