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China Daily Website

  • Why not try out these exotic sports

    2011-09-10 08:09

    The Ninth National Ethnic Games will run from Sept 10 to 18, with an ethnic group gala on Sept 15, and eight days of matches.

  • An important way to pass on ethnic culture

    2011-09-10 08:09

    China's 9th National Ethnic Games will begin on Sept 10, in Guiyang, the capital of Guizhou province and the country's ethnic groups have a lot of hopes for the games.

  • Industrialize, yes - if it's rational

    2011-09-12 07:57

    Guizhou is an agricultural province in a mountainous part of southern China that suffers from water shortages and its economic growth lags far behind that of coastal regions in the East, so the local government is giving priority to economic development.

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