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  • Quiet alleys hold hidden charms for visitors

    2013-06-07 11:09

    In many Chinese cities, life is hectic and fast paced, but Chengdu is a rare exception. Despite its rapid development, the Sichuan capital is known for its laid-back lifestyle. Visitors are often amazed by the essence of leisure that permeates every corner of the city.

  • Tap4Fun looking to tap into global market

    2013-06-07 11:01

    Tap4Fun is one of the few Chinese game developers that makes products for a global audience, said Charlie Moseley, creative director of the company.

  • Forum to be boon for IT sector in host city

    2013-06-07 10:57

    The electronic information industry is likely to be the first to see a windfall from the Fortune Global Forum, said Xiang Qihan, CEO of Yonyou Software Co Ltd, a major producer of management software in the Asian-Pacific region.

  • Returning home: The new land of opportunity

    2013-06-07 10:49

    "The opportunity is here," said Zhong Zhihui, a 36-year-old overseas returned student who has chosen Chengdu to continue his career.

  • Volunteers share passion for Chengdu

    2013-06-07 10:24

    More than 1,200 donate time and effort to aid forum, Peng Chao and Li Yu report A sophomore at Southwestern University of Finance & Economics, Jin Zhoujian is often busy with leisure pursuits, working as the university's chorus leader and playing basketball.

  • Qintai Road historic area

    2013-06-06 13:43

    Named for the renowned ancient love story of Sima Xiangru and Zhuo Wenjun who eloped against the wishes of their families and lived happily ever after in the area, Qintai Road is today a restored historic district full of teahouses, restaurants and Sichuan Opera Theaters.

  • Sino-Singaporean park making headway

    2013-06-06 10:54

    Roads, facilities now under construction or complete Construction has already begun on the first 20 projects of the Singapore-Sichuan Hi-Tech Innovation Park, leaders of the park announced recently.

  • Leaders, CEOs to ponder shifting economic landscape

    2013-06-06 10:48

    Former US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson will give an opening address on economic reform in China on the second day of the Fortune Global Forum on June 7.

  • Strongest turnout in history expected for forum

    2013-06-06 10:31

    Attendance of top CEOs, officials, heads of state confirmed, Yang Feiyue reports More than 600 participants have confirmed their attendance at the 2013 Fortune Global Forum, said Wu Hongjian, a senior official of the State Council Information Office, on May 30.

  • Jinsha, Sanxingdui ruins open up gateway to past

    2013-06-05 13:38

    Visiting both of the ruins of Jinsha and Sanxingdui is an exploration of one of the most interesting ancient cultures in China.

  • Spice of Sichuan cuisine adds some variety to life

    2013-06-05 11:31

    Many with only a basic knowledge of the country may know that gongbao chicken and mapo tofu are two types of typical Chinese cuisine, but what they may not know is that both come from Sichuan.

  • Always tea time in Chengdu

    2013-06-05 11:24

    It has been said that China has the best teahouses in the world, and Chengdu has the best teahouses in China. The first thing a visitor notices when walking on the street in Chengdu is that teahouses seem to be on nearly every corner.

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Geng Jiasheng, 54, a national master technician in the manufacturing industry, is busy working on improvements for a new removable environmental protection toilet, a project he has been devoted to since last year.