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China Daily Website

Photo Selection: Oh, I See

2012-08-20 15:45

By (chinadaily.com.cn)



This is a trial program that China Daily online editors want to share the best pictures selected from Chinese photo communities and forums. You are welcome to share your photos with China Daily website. Our email is photos@chinadaily.com.cn.


Yi Hui is a female photographer who focuses on girls and young mothers to showcase their inner beauty.

"Girls always have lots of fantasies and every girl has a fairytale in her heart. I just want to fully demonstrate them. I even think that I just take photos for myself and what they show exactly reflects the inner world of mine," Yi Hui said.

Photo Selection: Oh, I See
Photod by Yi Hui.
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Yann Romain, a French photographer  has been living in Beijing for more than nine years.

He uses film and camera and never perfects his pictures with software like Photoshop.

Photo Selection: Oh, I See
Photod by Yann Romain.

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In my eyes, the best things are associated with childhood and each child is an angel with a beautiful story.Therefore, I choose to shoot children’s pictures. The crucial thing is to be able to discover and appreciate beauty in their worlds.

-- Yang Yang

Photo Selection: Oh, I See
Photoed by Yang Yang.

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