Opinion / Berlin Fang

Berlin Fang

Berlin Fang is a US-based instructional designer, literary translator and columnist writing on cross-cultural issues.

The imperfect art of China bashing

[2012-11-27 08:09]

China faces too many domestic challenges to pose a threat in the near term.

Mutual love instead of filial piety

[2012-11-13 08:09]

Filial piety needs to be replaced with mutual respect, understanding and love. Parents and children have duties toward each other. It's a two-way street.

Hallucinatory realism of open education

[2012-10-30 07:53]

On Oct 18, 2012, Time magazine published an article by Amanda Ripley on the impact of massive open online courses on higher education. It was one of many recent reports on this innovative method of teaching.

Protecting intellectual property rights

[2012-09-28 08:08]

Recently I signed up with Wanfang, China's public "pay-to-read" portal for academic papers.

Too much work demotivates students

[2012-07-16 07:28]

Many parents may consider sending children off to summer schools or programs. However, unless such instruction is designed to facilitate individual learning, it may have the opposite effect to the one intended.

Bad advice can ruin the journey

[2012-07-10 08:07]

July is an exciting yet challenging month for high school graduates who will apply to universities after they find out how well they have done in the annual College Entrance Examination.

Parents' must let kids leave the nest

[2012-06-27 08:11]

US journalist Roseann Lake has investigated the phenomenon of "leftover" women in China. This refers to a woman who is supposedly "too old to marry".

Turn sands of depression into pearls of creativity

[2012-04-07 07:41]

Stress seems to be birthmark of this century, and sustained stress can easily develop into depression.

Shocking scenes behind the fabrication

[2012-03-28 08:04]

Ignorant of this context, labor organizations and international media are all too quick to rigidly apply the standards of developed countries when evaluating working conditions in a Chinese factory.

Pay attention to joys learning brings

[2012-03-19 08:11]

One of my colleagues once came back from his classroom asking: "Did you hear a loud explosion in the classroom?" Seeing the shock on my face, he chuckled: "It's the students' minds being blown away!"

Inconvenient truth needs greater attention

[2012-03-05 08:10]

Ally's story should inspire someone to think about this issue in China so that it can be discussed by people's deputies in various cities.

Language evolves on shifting sands

[2012-02-22 08:18]

'If I were given only one word to capture Chinese society, guan would be it," wrote translator Eric Abrahamsen in an article in the New York Times.

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