Hotels on Wudang Mountain or nearby
Updated: 2011-07-11
Three-star or higher hotels on Wudang Mountain or nearby:
1. Wudang Ya Ge International Hotel, five stars, Beijing Rd, city of Shiyan; 0086-719-8608888
2. Wudang Jianguo Grand Hotel, five stars (under evaluation), just inside the entrance to the Wudang Mountain Scenic Area; 0086-719-4006508811
3. Wudang Mountain Hotel, four stars, Yongle Rd, Wudang Mountain Special Zone; 0086-719-5665548
4. Wudang Tian Zun International Hotel, four stars (under evaluation), to the east of the tourist zone entrance; 0086-719-5659999
5. Tai He Xuan Wu Hotel, three stars, Taihe Avenue, Wudang Mountain; 0086-719-5664333
6. Tian Lu Holiday Villa, three stars, east side of the Purple Heaven Palace; 0086-719-5689115
7. Jiu Long Mountain Resort, three stars, Wudang Mountain’s Crow Ridge; 0086-719-5689176
8. Kai Xuan Electricity Hotel, three stars, Taihe Avenue, Wudang Mountain; 0086-719-5663666
9. Qin He Business Hotel, three stars (under evaluation),Taihe Avenue, Wudang Mountain; 0086-719-5664280