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  • CPPCC session opens in NE China


    The 11th Jilin Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the governmental policy advisory body, opened its 4th session in the city of Changchun, the provincial capital, on Jan 25.

  • Annual legislative session opens in NE China


    The Jilin provincial People's Congress opened its annual session on Monday, Jan 26, in the capital, Changchun.

  • NE China government work report emphasizes steady growth


    At the opening of the annual Jilin provincial People's Congress session, on Jan 26, the provincial governor addressed the gathering and gave a work report of the coming year that gave priority to steady growth.

  • NE China officials open 2016 with a visit to local villages


    Some senior officials in Jilin province spent their first working day of the new year,going around to rural areas to show their commitment to getting people out of poverty, according to Jilin Daily.

  • Jilin Party secretary meets with global industrial leaders in Changchun


    Bayin Chaolu, the Party secretary of Jilin province, met with participants of the 4th World Industrial Leaders Conference and International Industrial Capacity Cooperation Forum, in the city of Changchun, capital of Jilin, on Aug 31.

  • New deputy governor vows to ‘rejuvenate’ province


    The Jilin provincial People's Congress Standing Committee has announced that Gao Guangbin, the Party secretary of the city of Changchun, has been named deputy governor at the committee's 22th session, on Dec 8.

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