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2010 China (Hangzhou) International Computer Festival opens

2010-October-26 12:33:59

The 11th China (Hangzhou) International Computer Festival opened on October 22 at Ego Flagship Square in Hangzhou, according to official news from the West Lake International Expo.

2010 China (Hangzhou) International Computer Festival opens

The festival, under the theme of “Digital Feast, Green Fashion”, will last three days, from October 22 to October 24. It is hosted by the China Electronic Chamber of Commerce, the People’s Government of the West Lake District of Hangzhou and Hangzhou Municipal Trade Bureau, and organized by the Wensan Road Management Committee of Electronic Information, the Ego Group and IT.com.cn. Over 100 famous digital brands from China and abroad are attending this year’s festival.

2010 China (Hangzhou) International Computer Festival opens

The China (Hangzhou) International Computer Festival has always been on the cutting edge of digital products and providing consumers with digital feasts. Green and low-carbon consumption is a new fashion this year. Many new digital products like e-books, iPhones and 3D video displays that are shown to the public convey the idea of green and low-carbon consumption.

The first “Low-carbon Design Match in Hangzhou Universities” also opened at this year’s computer festival.

By Xie Fang and Wang Gongyuan


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