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Tourists in Waves

2010-September-25 16:36:28

As one of the most important tourism destinations in Zhejiang province, the Qiantangjiang River attracts a huge number of local and foreign visitors every year.

The river and the bay are home to one of the world's largest tidal bores, which are said to be up to 9 meters high and capable of traveling at up to 40 km per hour. The tides rushing into the river from the bay cause waves typically between 1.5 and 4.6 meters high.

The source of the Qiantangjiang River lies in the Lotus Peak in Kaihua, a county in western Zhejiang province. Along its course, the river passes through 14 counties and cities before finally flowing into the Hangzhou Bay.


Voiceover: Chris Clark

Source: CCTV



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