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Western line of Desheng expressway to be constructed

2010-August-5 15:35:29

Western line of Desheng expressway to be constructed
Western line of Desheng expressway to be constructed
Desheng expressway western line, from Shangtang River to Baojiao north road, will be constructed. The project is planned to be completed at the end of 2012.

Desheng expressway is an important route connecting the east and west parts of Hangzhou. The construction of the western line was uncompleted before, which resulted in traffic jams along the route.

The construction plan is designed by China Hydropower Engineering Consulting Group Corporation, in which the western line of Desheng expressway will be 2.61 kilometers long. The high level bridge will be completed and the ground road reconstructed.

By Li Cheng & Wu Wei


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