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Hangzhou International Day kicks off

2010-April-23 11:41:17

On April 21st, over 250 guests from government departments, the Chamber of Commerce and representatives from media and foreign-invested enterprises were invited to participate in the 2010 Hangzhou International Day.

Hangzhou International Day kicks off

2010 Hangzhou International Day is co-hosted by the Hangzhou Brand Promotion Office, Hangzhou Tourism Commission, Hangzhou Foreign Affairs Office, Shangcheng District Government, and Hangzhou City Promotion Committee.

Hangzhou International Day kicks off

From April 21st to May 16th, over ten activities, including visiting programs, opinion exchange programs and exhibition programs are designed to facilitate mutual understanding between Hangzhou and the rest of the world.

Hangzhou International Day kicks off

On the first day, the guests were grouped in nine teams to visit over 20 locations in Hangzhou, including Huxueyan Residence, the Chinese Academy of Art, Guangxingtang TCM, and Meijiawu Tea Village, to experience different aspects of Hangzhou, namely tea culture, TCM culture, silk culture, food culture, architecture culture, etc. “This is a very mind-opening experience” a guest from Shanghai was quoted as saying. “Hangzhou has so many things to offer. This is my first visit to Hangzhou, but I would definitely come back in the future.”

By Li Hui

Editor: Xie Fang


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