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Climate change museum built to explain impacts on everyday life

2010-March-11 17:31:08

Hangzhou government is taking a major leap forward in the environmental issues debate by establishing a low-carbon science museum - the first in the world - to demystify the science for ordinary people to understand. Pan Zheng takes a look inside.

Climate change museum built to explain impacts on everyday life

The term "low-carbon" - already a hot topic in environmental debates around the world - gained higher profile after last year's United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark.

But what exactly is low-carbon? No cars? No planes? The Low Carbon Science Museum under construction in Hangzhou may soon provide the answers.

Located in Binjiang District, it will be the first museum of such kind in the world.

The museum will occupy 33,656 square meters and construction is expected to be finished by the middle of this year. The formal opening will be in 2011.

It's been a challenge for the Hangzhou government to develop the concept because it's the first of its kind, without any previous example or experience to draw on.

So, what to show? And how?

The museum's main hall will cover five aspects - World of Carbon, Global Warming, Low-carbon City, Low-carbon Life and Low-carbon Future.

Through interactive exhibitions and special events, visitors will be able to learn and experience how to reduce their own carbon emissions in daily life.

The museum will also show how local attractions, such as the West Lake and Qiantang River, sustain low-carbon practices.

Visitors will be able to measure their daily carbon emissions and visit a zero-carbon house designed to be the most environmentally friendly home in the world.

There will also be a special amusement park for kids, with various interesting games to help children learn low-carbon concepts from an early age.

Hangzhou government invited top experts from around China to discuss the concept and design and received invaluable ideas and suggestions.

"It shouldn't be a simple educational museum," says Xu Yanhao, curator of China Science Museum. "Instead, it should combine the construction itself with displays inside, especially using natural light properly to stress the features of a science museum."

Shen Jiacong, an academician from the Chinese Academy of Science, says it is natural for Hangzhou to host such a museum as it has contributed a lot to building a model low-carbon city.

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