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One-stop public service center in Qiangjiang New Town

2009-December-21 18:21:53

Still running all over the city to get authority stamps on your paper? Hangzhou citizens can now go to the Public Service Center or Citizen Home, where people have access to public services ranging from posting mail, applying for a passport, renewing a driver's license to paying social insurance.

The center is located in Qiangjiang New Town and covers three floors.101 service windows offer 187 public service items. Some windows are open on weekends.

Officially open to the public on October 18th, the center has served more than 110,000 citizens and provided around 70,000 services in its first month. On its busiest day it handled 5,708 requests - double the staff's expectation for a busy day.

The bright, well-organized one-stop center has been well-received among fellow citizens. "It is so convenient," says one citizen surnamed Jiang, "I came here to claim my property ownership certificate. When I got to the first floor, I realized I could charge up my citizen card, and later I did a social insurance transaction."

By Li Hui


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