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Foreign-invested enterprises service month begins in Hangzhou

2009-August-21 17:12:21

Hangzhou began a “Foreign-invested enterprises service month” with an investment policy consultant conference in the Zhejiang Narada Grand Hotel on August 14.

In the conference, representatives of foreign invested companies, industry associations and business owners were able to talk over some of their problems and difficulties with the relevant Chinese authorities. Representing the Hangzhou government were over 30 administration authorities, including the Hangzhou municipal Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau and the Hangzhou Administration of Industry and Commerce.

The foreign-invested enterprises service month is an important part of the Hangzhou municipal government’s campaign to promote Hangzhou as a good location for foreign investment. The service month is designed to help the city address problems that foreign invested companies face in China and in Hangzhou.

Li ling, the director of Hangzhou municipal Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau said that “Hangzhou has always insisted that environment comes first. It is critical important to create a safe environment. Challenged by the economic crisis, it is crucial for government authorities to provide better service for the foreign invested companies to survive the crisis.”

Hangzhou Foreign-invested Enterprises Service Month has been held annually for 6 consecutive years.

Editor: Liu Fang


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