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“Hangzhou in My Eyes” Photography Competition

2009-August-21 11:44:17

“Hangzhou in My Eyes” Photography Competition

Everyone has a unique impression of Hangzhou. How does it look in your eyes? What do you see when you think of Hangzhou? It’s time to grab your camera and give us your best Hangzhou look.

By registering on http://www.bignosechina.com/photo/ from August to November 15, foreigners residing in or travelling to Hangzhou can enter a photograph contest organized by the Hangzhou Tourism Commission and BignoseChina.

Contestants can upload their entries online or mail them to the organizer. Detailed info can be found on http://www.bignosechina.com/photo/.

The contest jury is made up of Lin Lu, a member of the China Association of Photographers, Jean Loh, photography collector and solo exhibitor and Italian photojournalist Daniele Mattiol.

Awards totaling RMB 100,000 will be handed out, including a first prize of RMB 10,000, five second prizes, 20 third prizes and honorable mentions for the top 100 photographers.

A special arrangement of three free trips with varied features will be offered to contestants for capturing the best sceneries taken during the trip. The routes will feature natural wonder, historical culture and local customs.

Anyone interested in the tours can sign up on BignoseChina’s website.

Editor: Liu Fang


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