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It's a pig's life

2009-August-13 14:59:05

People usually look forward to the Spring Festival and normally I would too, but this year I've been dreading it. The reason is quite simple: I was born in the Year of the Pig and until now I tried to keep it a secret but everyone will soon find out.

In the West, we have a very low opinion of the pig: greedy, lazy and dirty are just some of the descriptions that come to mind. Now I know that Western and Chinese viewpoints often differ, but I imagined the pig must be the worst animal out of the 12 zodiac signs. Over the last few years I have learnt which of my friends were "monkeys", "roosters" and "dogs", all of which have some good characteristics.

Now it's my turn and I was wondering what the reaction would be when they find out my sign is that most despised of creatures. Would they look down on me? Some would probably feel pity for me or express sympathy, "Poor Arthur, turns out he's a pig although seems like a nice guy." What excuses could I offer, "Hey, give me a chance, I'm not that lazy."

At least that's the way I was feeling until recently when I read an article predicting a baby boom next year. A baby boom? Yes, to my astonishment it turns out the pig is actually seen in a positive way in China and many parents plan to have a baby in the Year of the Pig. It seems the Chinese can appreciate an animal which does little work and gets given lots of good food — wise people I've always thought!

For too long pigs have been underrated. They are actually a very intelligent and sensitive animal. Lazy and greedy? No, we just know how to enjoy life. So hurrah for pigs! Now I'm finally looking forward to the New Year and telling people about my sign. Whichever sign you are hope you'll have a wonderful Year of the Pig.

By Arthur J from England

Source: City Express

Editor: Guo Changdong


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