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Hangzhou City Brand Promotion Community

2009-August-12 16:04:25

Every world-class city has a personality attributes that make it distinctive, memorable and instantly identifiable. On January 8, 2007, Hangzhou, a city with over 2,000 years of history, officially launched its city brand: “City of Quality Life”.

Hangzhou City Brand Promotion Community

As the official corporate identity of Hangzhou, the city brand is a vehicle for promoting Hangzhou overseas and is also a location brand identifying Hangzhou with related events and organizations. Hangzhou City Brand Promotion Community is an innovative social community cofounded by four interactive communities: government authorities, the intellectual community, mass media and the business community. By embracing Let’s make our life better as the core value, the community is committed to promoting the brand image of Hangzhou as a “City of Quality Life”.

About Our Core Value: Let’s make our life better: this is the core value of the Hangzhou City Brand Promotion Community. Hangzhou has a reputation for outstanding quality of life that attracts people of different ages and lifestyles to visit, live, work and learn. Hangzhou citizens take great pride in their city and value their city as an urban habitat designed for pleasant living. To make citizens’ life better is also the ultimate goal of the Hangzhou City Brand campaign.

How We Work: As an innovative and flexible organization, each department makes joint efforts as a team on any mission, be it big or small. And each team member is encouraged to take initiative in each task to display his or her potential to full effect.

Hangzhou City Brand Advocates: We envision the entire organization as an extensive network of loosely organized professionals. They work independently as advocates to promote Hangzhou as a City of Quality Life and make contributions on an integrated platform. We have heads of the Party and government departments and scholars from Zhejiang University, China Academy of Fine Arts, Zhejiang University of Technology and other institutions. Opinion leaders from Hangzhou Daily, Qianjiang Evening News, Hangzhou television and other media, together with representatives from the tea, silk, tourism, culture and entertainment industries, are also a part of our team, joining efforts to make our city a better place.

Professor He Chunhui with Zhejiang University is one of the professionals actively engaged in Hangzhou City Brand Promotion Community activities. "City brand is the core value of urban culture. We have realized our value in participating in discussions and promoting the city brand." He said. Advocates often sacrifice their own time and dedicate their wisdom, and are actively involved in city branding, city cultural research and city development theories, as well as organizing related forums, etc.

Professor Cao Zengjie with Zhejiang University of Technology also commented on the city brand: "As college teachers, we bear the responsibility of teaching and scientific research work. But at the same time, through the platform the City Brand Promotion Office provides, we’re able to contribute to the development of the community. Also during the process we can know our city better and come up with academic innovation ideas, so the participation is very valuable and meaningful."

Activity: Hangzhou City Brand Promotion Community hosts a series of activities annually to display to both Hangzhou citizen and visitors the achievements the city has made on improving quality of life. These activities include the Life Quality Display, Life Quality National Forum, Life Quality National Exhibition and Life Quality censors.


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