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China Daily Website

  • Copper statues exhibit held in Zhengzhou

    2012-03-12 10:11

    The exhibition of copper statues was held at Henan Museum in Zhengzhou, capital of central China's Henan province. The exhibition has displayed 148 copper statues by 45 artists.

  • Shaolin Kung Fu in Stanford

    2012-03-11 09:40

    Shaolin Kung Fu masters teach Shaolin Kung Fu at Stanford University in California, the United States on March 9, 2012.

  • Emperor Yan, Yellow Emperor Worshipped

    2012-03-12 10:27

    Personages of all circles pay homage to Emperor Yan during a ceremony held in Jiaozuo, central China's Henan province, April 4, 2011.

  • Worshipping ceremony marks China's ancestor Huangdi in Henan

    2012-03-12 09:57

    More than 10,000 Chinese attendedt he grand worshipping ceremony to mark the nation's legendary ancestor Huangdi in Xinzheng, central China's Henan province, March 29, 2009.

  • Ceremony for the Yellow Emperor

    2012-03-11 16:58

    The city of Xinzheng in Central China's Henan province is in the spotlight when it presents the "2008 Ancestor Worshipping Ceremony in the Birthplace of the Yellow Emperor".
