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China Daily Website

  • Eat like a local: Sichuan

    2012-09-29 12:43

    Many Chinese people consider Chengdu and Chong¬qing the gourmet capitals of China. Many believe eating spicy food there will not give you any problem, because the cities are humid.

  • Eat like a local: Xi'an

    2012-09-29 12:43

    Xi'an, the province's capital city, has a 2,000-year-old cuisine, older than all other major Chinese cuisines combined.

  • Eat like a local: Yunnan

    2012-09-29 12:43

    One of China's most popular tourist destinations, Yunnan is famous for pu'er tea, herbs and mushrooms.

  • Eat like a local: Suzhou

    2012-09-29 12:42

    After visiting the city's beautiful gardens, try Song He Lou (mansion of the pine and crane) at Guanqian Jie. It is a restaurant with a long history, established in 1757.

  • Eat like a local: Yangzhou

    2012-09-29 12:42

    Yangzhou is less famous among tourists than its neighbor Suzhou, but the food is more interesting as it represents Huaiyang cuisine.

  • Eat like a local: Beijing

    2012-09-29 12:42

    Some of China's most popular tourist destinations are also well-known for their treasured food traditions.

  • Bars and restaurants in Dalian

    2012-09-27 14:08

    Most of the people of Dalian are descendants of the people of Shandong. Therefore, Dalian cuisine, to some extent, belongs to Shandong cuisine.

  • Fujian food fantasies

    2012-09-03 13:53

    It was beginning to seem like there was nothing to do in Xiamen but eat.

  • Food enthusiasts find 'paradise on earth' in Hangzhou

    2011-10-28 11:24

    The sublime scenery of West Lake is not the only attraction in Hangzhou - the city also has a wealth of culinary traditions.

  • Seafood binge on Zhoushan Island

    2011-10-20 15:34

    What this bustling port city in Zhejiang province has to offer in terms of seafood delights has never disappointed visitors.

  • Seasonal Yunnan mushroom hotpot

    2012-09-17 10:50

    September is mushroom season in Yunnan province.

  • Chengdu: City of Gastronomy

    2012-03-14 15:48

    People in Chengdu not only visit the luxurious hotels, but also smaller restaurants scattering on the streets and lanes to enjoy the delicious dishes.
