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An artist's self-discovery in Tibet

Updated: 2013-08-16 10:27
( China Tibet Online)

An artist's self-discovery in Tibet

Buddha's Secrets painted by Li Zhaoxia was submitted for the 2nd "Beauty of Tibet" painting contest. [Photo/China Tibet Online]

Her another Buddha painting Buddha's Secrets was also a coloured glaze Buddha, but the posture of the Buddha in this painting was sideways, which was quite different from the sitting Buddhas we saw commonly.

Li Zhaoxia explained that most Buddhas sat there with serious lookings. But according to the teaching of Buddhism, everyone can become a Buddha. Therefore, she tried to endow her Buddha with human nature in the paintings.

Li Zhaoxia told reporter that she would devote herslef more to the Buddha painting in the future, for she enjoyed the inner peace brought by painting Buddha.


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