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Steering Streetcar in a different direction

Updated: 2012-12-07 14:14
By Zhang Kun in Shanghai ( China Daily)

Liu calls his creation "something like a duet dance theater production". The two actresses sing jazz with a tad of Peking Opera, while performing dances from various genres, including contemporary, ballroom, Chinese folk opera and Japanese kabuki.

Steering Streetcar in a different direction

'Lady of the Camellias' in Beijing 

Ma Qingli, who plays Blanche, and Han Shuang, who plays Stella, agree this is challenging.

It's also the first time either woman - both majored in musical theater at the Shanghai Theater Academy - has performed a leading role. Liu says he was impressed by their versatility and potential.

He's the founder and artistic director of Theater Company of LQZ the Private and has been working on a series of productions named Theater of Nymphomania. They're based on his studies of stereotyped women's roles in Chinese and foreign literature.

One of the previous five projects, Cao Qiqiao, successfully adopted choreography from Japanese kabuki, and blended these with music and poses from Peking Opera.

"Streetcar is a classic, and we want to bring out something fresh," producer Zhang Huahua says.

"In addition to fusing Peking Opera with jazz music and dance theater, we also hired an installation artist to create an abstract and experimental stage setting."

It will be a very bold attempt, and audiences may find it hard to accept.

"Chinese audiences are accustomed to story-centered plays like suspense thrillers and comic love stories, and this will be a bit of a challenge."

Liu's theatrical portrayals of twisted women have been powerful and convincing. And the music composed by award-winning movie soundtrack composer and jazz player Blaire Ko will make the play more accessible, Zhang says.

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