French scientist Jean-Francois Picimbon will give public lectures in Guangzhou on Nov 13 and 14 to unveil the secrets behind a kiss. French-Chinese interpreters will help the audiences understand the lectures.
The expert in neuroscience, neurobiology, entomology and chemical ecology will start from decoding the exchange of smell and pheromone behind a kiss between animals. Then he will probe into the possible influences of smell and pheromone on bringing about a kiss between people.
Picimbon has given interesting lectures on science in France, US and Japan.
7:30 pm, Nov 13. No 3 Teaching Building, South China Agriculture University, 483, Wushan Lu, Tianhe district, Guangzhou. 020-8380-2501.
7:30 pm, Nov 14. Fangsuo Commune, TaiKoo Hui Shopping Mall, 383 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe district, Guangzhou. 020-3868-2327.