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Top 10 folk houses in China

Updated: 2012-09-21 10:39

Top 10 folk houses in China

Yulin Manor of Jiang Yaozu

Top 10 folk houses in China

Situated in Liujiamao village, Mizhi county, Yulin city of Shaanxi province, the manor was built by Jiang Yaozu, the richest man in the village during the reign of Emperor Tongzhi of the Qing Dynasty (1861 - 1875). Covering an area of over 40 mu (2.7 hectares), it consists of three parts: lower, central and upper sections. The lower part is surrounded by a 9.5-meter-high stone wall, while connected to the central part by an 8 by 10 meter wall. The upper part is the manor's main living area. A cave connects the back of manor to a mountain, providing an excellent shelter for people to avoid attacks.

Travel tips:

- Hours: 8 am - 5 pm

- Admission: 20 yuan

- How to get there: take a bus from Mizhi County

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