Legendary magazine Music Heaven is being resurrected online seven years after its last physical issue was published.
The sole survivor
Translation is the biggest obstacle impeding the export of Chinese books, Guo Xiaoyong, vice-president of China International Publishing Group (CIPG), said Tuesday during an interview with Xinhua at the London Book Fair.
F. G. Haghenbeck - whose latest novel, The Secret Book of Frida Kahlo, has just been published in Chinese - made his first visit to China during the Shanghai International Literary Festival in March.
The domestic book publishing industry has made great strides forward in working together with their foreign counterparts.
Journalist Mark O'Neill thinks his destiny and connections with China started with his grandfather.
A pastor's life revisited
Zaire legacy
While many biographies attract readers with juicy anecdotes and vivid reproduction of the past, Mark O'Neill's Frederick: The Story of My Missionary Grandfather reads more like a history book or a long news report.
Chinese books are receiving growing international attention, partly because of the country's increasing importance and also due to rebranding efforts by publishers.
Niels Thomas finds the capital no strange place while working in the Zhongguancun area of Beijing, where universities and the Chinese Academy of Sciences are located.
Tourists swarmed to the hometown of Mo Yan, winner of the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature.Publisher savoring return to China
Book boom
"The novel will die and should die," Chinese author Guo Xiaolu predicted at a recent panel discussion on the future of fiction writing at the Bookworm Literary Festival in Beijing.
Springer, one of the world's largest science publishers, is reaching out for more social, economic and humanities titles in China.
Testing the limits of his readers' courage with fantastical tales of mystery, mummies and vampires, Thomas Brezina's books grab the attention of his young audience.