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Listings Guangzhou:stage and exhibitions

Updated: 2009-12-25 10:09


China Guangzhou New Year Concert will be performed by 100 top musicians from the World Orchestra, the only professional "global" orchestra, conducted by Spanish conductor Josep Vicent.

The programs include Shostakovich's Festive Overture, The Three-Cornered Hat, Dance of the Miller's Wife and El Corregidor.

8 pm, Dec 31, Jan 1

Sun Yat-sen's Memorial Hall, 259, Dongfeng Zhonglu

020-8351-6027, 1360-005-1896

Drama The Village is a work by Stan Lai, an American-born Taiwanese stage director and one of the most celebrated Chinese-language playwrights.

The mainland tour will start in Guangzhou before traveling to five other cities.

The drama depicts the lives of four families over five decades and offers a window for the audience to experience local culture in Taiwan.

8 pm, Jan 5

Century Hall, Guangzhou Baiyun International Convention Center, 1039 Baiyun Thoroughfare South


Two top Russian troupes, the Russian State Academic Pushkin Ballets and Russian National Philharmonic Orchestra, will cooperate to present two classical works, Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty.

Russian State Academic Pushkin Ballets, established in Gorki in 1935, is one of the nine academic ballet troupes in Russia.

8 pm, Jan 1, 2

Century Hall, Guangzhou Baiyun International Convention Center, 1039 Baiyun Thoroughfare South
