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Wordless dialogue

Updated: 2009-05-26 15:25
By Cheng Anqi (China Daily)

Wordless dialogue

A pad turns into a disc, jumps on to the gramophone and plays itself. A painting unfastens itself from the hook while humming songs. Walls tire of their dreary life and start lying down. A couple express their feelings for each other by tearing off pages of notepads on their faces.

Wordless dialogue

These are just some examples of the spectacular illusions created by celebrated Swiss mime-quad Mummenschanz, comprising four artists from Switzerland, the US and Italy.

Mummenschanz 311 is on at the People's Liberation Army Theater, entertaining audiences with the newest evolution of their wordless theatrical form. The four mine masters revisit some of the characters they have created in their innovative history.

On stage, they narrate silent stories and episodes of human relationships through movement, masks, simple costumes and everyday objects turned into abstract forms.

The performers cover their faces and parts of the body, making wordless dialogue and using props to create a slew of fantasy characters.

Founded in 1972 by Bernie Schrch, Andres Bossard and Floriana Frassetto, the group had a very successful China tour in 2003. It has been enjoying global success since 1977 when it landed on Broadway, beginning a three-year run at the Bijou Theatre with its marquee story - headless characters trying on different craniums, losing them and then finding new ones.

Since then, its performance has been well recognized as the most creative child-like play and philosophical reflection on the human condition.

7:30 pm, May 20-23

People's Liberation Army Theater, 60 Deshengmen Neidajie, Xicheng district. 5165-0798

