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Raymond Zhou

Studying the 'Wen effect'

What do Oprah Winfrey and Wen Jiabao have in common? They can both catapult obscure works into bestsellers. 2008-12-01 17:57

The lost generation

The "70-hou", or shall I say "30-something", seems to have fallen through the crevice of public attention. 2008-11-24 15:47

Fighting slander with rationality

Using administrative means to muffle a voice like Song's represents the worst of both worlds. 2008-11-03 09:39

Cheap chips off the old block

But it is definitely more than simply a copycat. It is imitation with a twist or imitation with an attitude. It could even be seen as a parody. 2008-11-03 09:36

True story of police brutality

While police brutality is indeed a vicious virus, one should not jump to the conclusion... 2008-10-20 09:40

Tightening quality control

There has to be a quality control mechanism so that businesses are not tempted with get-rich-quick schemes that harm public interest. 2008-10-03 15:33

We must not exaggerate what is said

Chinese media have a tradition of amplifying good words from outsiders. 2008-09-16 14:18

Lack of mutual cultural understanding

A cultural exchange program between Ningbo and Florence has unexpectedly hit an aesthetic roadblock. 2008-09-08 11:13

Embracing a wrong interpretation

...among all the celebrations, Yao Ming was seen hugging a female athlete. 2008-09-01 10:01

Is Barack Obama handsome?

The best way to get rid of misunderstanding and prejudice... 2008-08-25 09:26

Why I'm glad my prediction was wrong

Usually one hates to admit he or she is wrong on a prediction. But I, for one, am more than glad to say I did... 2008-08-11 14:09

Don't rain on parade of others

Rational people do not engage in activities that harm others if it does not benefit themselves. 2008-08-04 10:13

Too much pressure is not good

Cheer him if he wins; comfort him if he loses. Whatever the result, he is our pride. 2008-07-28 17:17

Nudist beaches not a big deal

In a country with more pressing issues to solve, naturism is something that concerns a tiny slice of social life. 2008-07-21 11:36

Commentators need to be independent

There are so many forces out to corrupt an independent mind it is a wonder we still have a few voices left that are relatively untainted. 2008-07-07 11:49

Need for modesty, respect

Loose cannon Han Han has got into trouble again. He is being lambasted for criticizing the literary giants of the last century. 2008-06-30 19:38

Don't turn national pain into farce

In the wake of the Sichuan earthquake, there was an outpouring of literary works that touched our hearts... 2008-06-23 09:29

Charity is about doing good

If we see the earthquake response as a big picture, China's netizens have been playing the role of morality fighter. 2008-06-16 10:29

Earthquake pets: To save or not to save?

There's one scene in Hollywood disaster movies I've always hated: Oblivious to death and chaos all around and at great peril to himself and others... 2008-06-02 11:42

Grief shared is half the grief

Monday afternoon was a very special occasion. The three-minute silence of mourning was one of the most memorable moments of my life. 2008-05-26 12:53

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Raymond Zhou
周黎明,Raymond Zhou,中国日报资深专栏作家,用地道英语撰写社会、娱乐等题材的评论文章。