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'Argo' boosts Oscar chances with two weekend award

Updated: 2013-01-29 09:51

But the actor played down his Oscar hopes backstage. "Members of the academy love surprises, so about the worst thing that can happen to you is if you've built up an expectation," Day-Lewis told reporters.

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Accepting his award on stage to a standing ovation, he recalled that "it was an actor that murdered Abraham Lincoln and, therefore, it is sometimes only fitting that, now and then, an actor tries to bring him back to life again."

In one of the most closely contested categories, Lawrence, 22, was chosen best lead actress for playing an outspoken young widow in "Silver Linings Playbook" over Jessica Chastain's feisty CIA agent in Osama bin Laden thriller "Zero Dark Thirty".

Tommy Lee Jones, 66, won the best supporting actor trophy for his turn as radical Congressman Thaddeus Stevens in "Lincoln," beating strong competition from Robert De Niro, who played a gruff father in "Silver Linings Playbook".

Anne Hathaway, 30, won her first SAG award for her supporting role as the tragic Fantine in musical "Les Miserables".

"I got my SAG card when I was 14 ... And I have loved every single minute of my life as an actor," said Hathaway, accepting the statuette.

SAG also handed out awards for performances in TV dramas, comedies and mini-series, and gave a lifetime achievement award to actor Dick Van Dyke.

In TV drama, the British cooks and countesses period show "Downton Abbey" won best ensemble cast. "Breaking Bad" star Bryan Cranston was named best actor and "Homeland's" Claire Danes best actress.

"Modern Family" won the best comedy cast ensemble award for a third consecutive time. Alec Baldwin won best TV comedy actor for the 8th time for his role as an egotistical executive in "30 Rock" and his co-star Tina Fey took the honors for comedy actress ahead of the show's final episode on Thursday.

'Argo' boosts Oscar chances with two weekend award




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