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'The Bodyguard' remake updated to Internet era

Updated: 2011-02-25 14:51

LOS ANGELES  - The 1992 hit movie "The Bodyguard" is to be remade and updated to the world of celebrity stalkers in the Internet era.

The original starred Kevin Costner and Whitney Houston and spawned one of the biggest ballads of all time, "I Will Always Love You."

It entered on a former Secret Service agent hired to protect a world famous pop singer. While initially uncomfortable in her glitzy world, the man eventually falls for her, compromising his ability to protect her.

In the remake, the story would be updated so that the man would be a former Iraqi war vet trying to protect his client against an Internet world, in which stalkers can track stars on Twitter, Gawker Stalker, Google Maps and other sites.

Warner Bros studio has hired Jeremiah Friedman and Nick Palmer to write the script. Studio-based Dan Lin will produce but it's too early in the process for actors to be announced.

The news comes just a month after Warner Bros announced plans to have Clint Eastwood direct Beyonce in the musical remake of "A Star Is Born."
