After a high-speed freeway chase puts Madea in front of the judge, her reprieve is short-lived as anger management issues get the best of her and land her in jail. A gleeful Joe couldn't be happier at Madea's misfortune. But Madea's eccentric family members the Browns rally behind her, lending their special "country" brand of support. Meanwhile, Assistant District Attorney Joshua Hardaway is on the fast track to career success. But Hardaway lands a case too personal to handle - defending young prostitute and former drug addict Candace Washington - and asks his fiancée and fellow ADA Linda Holmes to fill in on his behalf. When Candace ends up in jail, Madea befriends the young woman, protecting her in a "motherly" way as only Madea can.
Also Known As:
Production Status:
Comedy and Adaptation
Running Time:
1 hr. 43 min.
Release Date:
February 20th, 2009 (wide)
MPAA Rating:
PG-13 for mature thematic material, drug content, some violence and sexual situations.
Production Co.:
U.S. Box Office:
Filming Locations:
Produced in:
United States