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Jackie Chan, Zhang Ziyi to sing for Olympic film

Updated: 2008-04-03 11:43

Jackie Chan, Zhang Ziyi to sing for Olympic film

Stefanie Sun is in a Beijing studio on Tuesday, April 1, 2008, recording "Stand Up," the theme song for "The One," a tribute film to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. [Sina]

A new film about China's first Olympian will feature four top Chinese-speaking celebrities on its soundtrack, its producer said on Wednesday.

Jackie Chan, Lee-Hom Wang, Zhang Ziyi and Stefanie Sun will join together to sing "Stand Up," the theme song for "The One," producer Wang Zhebin told the Beijing Times.

"The One" is based on the story of sprinter Liu Changchun's struggle against Japanese invaders to represent China at the 1932 Summer Olympics held in Los Angeles. Supported by the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (BOCOG), the film was made as a tribute to the 2008 Beijing Games.

The idea to form a quartet to sing the theme song arose from the symbolic combination of four groups of Chinese artists -- Hong Kong, Taiwan, mainland and overseas Chinese -- represented by Jackie Chan, Lee-Hom Wang, Zhang Ziyi and Stefanie Sun, respectively, the report says.

Since the stars all have busy schedules and arranging a joint recording would be difficult, they will work separately and their parts will be edited together later, Wang Pingjiu, lyricist of "Stand Up" and a senior official in the BOCOG cultural committee, said. Award-winning musician Shu Nan composed the musical score for "Stand Up."

Stefanie Sun kicked off the recording in a Beijing studio on Tuesday. The Singaporean singer said she was honored to be involved.

"The One" is currently in post-production and will be ready for release next month. Earlier reports say it will be available to worldwide athletes attending the Beijing Olympics in August.

